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The foundation of Unitarian Universalist religion is comprised of two essential beliefs: the nature of the Divine (which some call God and others call by other names) is Love and it encompasses ALL with no exceptions, and human beings are called to lives of learning, growth, compassion and service.


If you break that statement down, you will find in it answers to many theological questions such as: Why are we here? (to learn, grow and serve) What created us? (some force that is inherently benevolent).


Am I loved? (Yes, you most certainly are.)


As Unitarian Universalists we believe individuals are capable and responsible for using their reason and experiences to understand truth and meaning. We understand the church community as the place where we gather to think deeply, support each other, and be one together as we each take part in this search for truth and meaning.


At our worship services you will hear readings, prayers, and perspectives from many religious and philosophical traditions. And sitting in those pews next to you will be people who identify as Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Humanist, Atheist, Taoist or other religious perspectives who come to a Unitarian Universalist church because they recognize that no philosophy or religious tradition can perfectly describe ultimate truth or meaning.


The early Unitarian Minister William Ellery Channing wrote about a religious education theory of faith development that could be applied to people of all ages—


  • The great end in religious instruction is not to stamp our minds upon the young, but to stir up their own;

  • Not to make them see with our eyes, but to look inquiringly and steadily with their own;

  • Not to give them a definite amount of knowledge, but to inspire a fervent love of truth;

  • Not to bind them by ineradicable prejudices to our particular sect of peculiar notions, but to prepare them for impartial, conscientious judging of whatever subjects may be offered to their decision;

  • Not to burden the memory, but to quicken and strengthen the power of thought;

  • Not to impose religion upon them in the form of arbitrary rules, but to awaken the conscience, the moral discernment, in a word, the great end is to awaken the soul, to excite the soul, to excite and cherish spiritual life.


If you find yourself nodding and feeling a strong sense of resonance with our 7 Unitarian Universalist Principles, you may find in us the community you have been looking for.


Check out this resource page to help you learn more about Unitarian Universalism!

William Ellery Channing

Read about our Unitarian Universalist roots.


Read about the Unitarian Universalist Association Principles and Purposes.


Explore the website of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

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