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Sunday Service—Water Communion

Sun, Sep 12


at UUCGL (also streaming live!)

We are really looking forward to gathering for our Water Communion. We will also be live streaming on Facebook Live!

Registration is Closed
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Sunday Service—Water Communion
Sunday Service—Water Communion

Time & Location

Sep 12, 2021, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

at UUCGL (also streaming live!), 101 Forest Ave, Swampscott, MA 01907, USA

Join Us!

We are really looking forward to gathering for our Water Communion and a worship service in the church. We will also be live streaming on Facebook Live (the recording of the service will also be on our YouTube page which you can always access through the website, here) and there will be a Zoom Coffee Hour at 11:30 AM every week (see your Weekly Update for the link).

Listen to a video message from Rev. Vicki about our "soft" reopening here.

Read a message from Chris Scheller about children's programming here.

Our offertory donation link can be found here.

It will be like it was. It will be unlike anything we have experienced. In all the ways it will be, it will be right and good to be together on Sunday, September 12 at 10am.

As we re-gather in our sanctuary for worship for the first time in 18 months, emotions will be high and details will be different. Here are a few things to know before you come to church:

We have spent hundreds of hours thinking about and planning for this re-opening. Please bear in mind that while we have tried to consider every detail and make the best decisions, nothing is set in stone! Everything is “for now.” Let us embrace a community ethos of patience and flexibility. Refer to the last email blast from the Reopening Task Force and the “Soft Reopening” video from me on the website for loads of what we hope is helpful information.

  • For now, please plan to arrive early enough to allow for care in seating.
  • For now, please submit your Joys and Sorrows in writing to the basket on the usher’s table where there will be paper and pen.
  • For now, please wave hello and offer other non-contact forms of greeting and expressions of affection.
  • For now, please make your plate offering on the usher’s table on your way in or out of the sanctuary.
  • For now, may we know that there are smiles under our masks. See you Sunday, or hopefully soon thereafter!

The service will be livestreamed on our Facebook page and will be posted to the website early in the week.

See you soon, with so much joy!

In faith, hope and love, 

Rev. Vicki

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101 Forest Avenue

Swampscott, MA 01907

United States (US)

Phone: 781-595-8836


Join us for worship this Sunday morning at 10am

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