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Summer Sundays Informal Gathering

Sun, Aug 08



Join us at 10am for friendly gatherings to share time and tea.

Registration is Closed
See other events
Summer Sundays Informal Gathering
Summer Sundays Informal Gathering

Time & Location

Aug 08, 2021, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Swampscott, 101 Forest Ave, Swampscott, MA 01907, USA

Join Us!

Some who have gathered for Summer Sundays would like to continue to do so for the remaining Sundays in August and invite others to join them at 10am for friendly gatherings to share time and tea. Bring your own beverage and join an informal time with each other. There will be a brief time of quiet centering and then we'll enjoy conversation.

Greeters: Misha Gerson and Anne Principe

Thank you for following Covid guidelines responsibly. We have provided hand sanitizer and disposable masks for your convenience and safety.

Gatherings and Covid Protocol

  • Disposable masks are available if you have forgotten yours. Please dispose responsibly after use.
  • Masks are required for those vaccinated and non-vaccinated. This is a recent change because of concerns about the increase of COVID cases and the Delta variant.
  • The Parish Hall capacity is presently 40.
  • Please do not join us if you feel at all unwell.

Sunday Worship Services

There are no planned worship services for the remainder of the month. First Parish in Concord (Unitarian Universalist) has invited us to join them on Zoom Sunday mornings at 10am. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link. For general information about their church, their website link is here. To attend worship services with the Concord church you can register here (note: services start at 10am, not 9:30 as listed on that page). Information about their upcoming services is here.

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101 Forest Avenue

Swampscott, MA 01907

United States (US)


Phone: 781-595-8836


Join us for worship this Sunday morning at 10am

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