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Readings in Resilience: Stoic Philosophy

Mon, Nov 08



Join us for close reading and reflection of pieces by writers, poets, composers and philosophers from across history and cultures who have wisdom to impart for perilous times.

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Readings in Resilience: Stoic Philosophy
Readings in Resilience: Stoic Philosophy

Time & Location

Nov 08, 2021, 7:00 PM


Join Us!

Join us for close reading and reflection of pieces by writers, poets, composers and philosophers from across history and cultures who have wisdom to impart for perilous times.

This class will be on Zoom, although future dates may be presented at UUCGL and Zoom. Pre-registration required: email


Co-facilitated by Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein and Professor Steven Dooner, English Department, Quincy College.

November 8: Stoic Philosophy

November 15: Creating A Parallel Reality

November 29: The Stories We Need To Tell

December 6: Something To Look Forward To

(Note that there is no class on November 22)

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